Thanks for being part of "team h.u.g.s."
Brent has been a part of many emotional moments, while presenting his school / book programs. He understands that school budget's can dictate whether his programs are accepted. The reality that lower income schools loose opportunities that can have a powerful impact on their students is not acceptable to Brent. It is why he raises funds to offset this disadvantage. He has created this "sponsorship program" to try and reach as many schools / students, regardless of their ability to fund his inspiring programs. Sponsors can request what schools or organizations receive Brent's presentations, from their sponsorship.
Brent has also created this "sponsorship program" enabling him to contact schools that have experienced a major crisis (shooting, natural disaster, robbery etc) and offer his inspirational presentations at no cost or at a discount. His life represents "HOPE" and the power that this word can have. He wants to show students and staff that in the midst of "dark" and "troubled" times there is a light. Brent believes "HOPE" is the first component to start healing after a tragedy.
All programs include a short documentary on Brent's life (9 minutes) using audio visual that is at the school or organization. Brent will also use a whiteboard or easel. Brent will bring his Olympic Medal to share with his audience. He will also bring at least one sport wheelchair, so audience can participate in tangible learning, by sitting and pushing in the sport wheelchair.
All sponsored programs can be tax deductible if paid directly to school of Brent's choice or that of sponsor's. Brent Poppen is also currently working on obtaining 501 (c) 3 status for tax deductible sponsorships through Brent's Foundation (to be named when 501 (c) 3 status is obtained). Brent Poppen expects to have foundation named and nonprofit status in the near future. Payments can also be made directly to "Books By Brent Poppen."
Please Contact Us For Pricing On Single or Multiple Day Programs
Single day program: (with multiple assemblies if requested) is within a four hour (4 hour approximately) driving time from Brent's present location. This program does not include any of Brent's books. Brent's books can be added, with an additional cost per book. Travel will be included in the "single day program" price.
Two day program: (with multiple assemblies if requested) is within a four hour (4 hour approximately) driving time from Brent's present location. This program includes ten (10) signed copies of Brent's books, in any ratio, for example 10 autobiographies or 10 children books. There can also be a combination of each books that totals ten copies. Brent will also do a book signing if requested. Travel will be included in the "two day program plus" price.
Two day program Plus: (with multiple assemblies if requested) is a program that requires travel outside the four hour (4 hour approximately) drive time. The travel restriction on this program is that travel remain in the continental United States. This program includes twenty (20) signed copies of Brent's books, in any ratio, for example 20 autobiographies or 20 children books. There can also be a combonation of each book that totals twenty copies. Brent will also do a book signing if requested. Travel expenses are included in the "two day program plus" price.
Corporate Sponsorship: This will allow the financial donor (if they would like) to have input on what schools and/or organizations will receive programs and books from the h.u.g.s. program. They can also defer to Brent for how this corporate sponsorship will be used. There are many schools and/or organizations that would benefit from this level of support.
CUSTOM PROGRAM: Brent will work with you to create a custom experience, if one of the above three programs are not applicable. The cost of this will depend on the requested custom program that is created (number of days, travel, signed books etc).
Classroom program including the reading of Brent's children's book "Playground Lessons Friendship and Forgiveness."
Student who chose to do their project on "someone who makes a difference in this world," and chose Brent. He surprised this student when she made her class presentation. She was so excited. Special day!
One of three, eight hundred student assemblies / book programs at this school.