I am blessed to receive hundreds of letters (mostly from students) throughout the year that ask me questions, tell me I am being prayed for and thanking me for coming to their school's to make a difference. I will share portions of these letters, as the come in. I do not edit student letters. I rewrite them, or portions of them, just as they are written to me.
LETTER FROM VICTORIA AVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAUSD: Dear Mr. Poppen, Thank you so much for coming. You inspire me. You are so amazing. You do not give up. That is what makes you incredible. It was great to meet you. You are number one. You are so brave. My dreams come true because of you. Thank you. You do not give up. That's what makes you unique. You taught me something that I will never forget. From Sara 2nd grade
LETTER FROM VICTORIA AVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAUSD: Dear Mr. Poppen, I hope your dreams keeping coming true. This was the best day because I bought one of the greatest books ever written Tragedy on The Mountain and thank you for the book I wanted. You are a very kind guy Mr. Poppen. I hope this day never ends. I miss you. Your story made me kind hearted. Take Care. I can't believe you won an Olympic Medal in Athens, Greece. From, Diego 2nd grade
LETTER FROM VICTORIA AVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAUSD: Dear Mr. Poppen, Thank you for coming to Victoria Ave School. Do you know that I have an aunt in Mexico that she is like you? I didn't know that someone can play tennis is a wheelchair. I wish you could feel better. You are good are playing tennis with a wheelchair. How many books did you write? I wish you come and read us a book that you wrote. Sincerely, Brenda 2nd grade
LETTER FROM VICTORIA AVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAUSD: Dear Mr. Poppen, Thank you for coming to Victoria and telling us about people's lives. I learned that people that look different aren't different from the inside. I learned to never listen to someone who says that I can't do something and to believe in myself. Love, Eric
LETTER FROM VICTORIA AVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LAUSD: Dear Mr. Poppen, Thank you for coming to our school and your video really inspired me to never give up on something and atleast try. I also learned that just because you think people look different to you they might not be bad, they might be different on the outside but inside everyone is just the same. I learned so much from you. Love Otiana .
LETTER FROM MARINERS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, NEWPORT BEACH: "...but what he taught us all at the assembly is that you shouldn't hide from differences. You should try them because you could be missing a great thing. He became one of those people wheh he was 16 and then reflected back on his self and thought to do better to those who are different like him. He now knows what it's like and now is happier then ever. He never knew of the different sports could be fun and great and now when he sees a person that is like him, he'll make a new buddy. When he says that nothing is impossible, he means it because he had experiences with hard problems. I will never run away or act badly to someone different because they can be really cool or fun. I look up to Mr. Poppen because he taught me a valuable lesson." Student Wyatt
LETTERS FROM MARINERS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, NEWPORT BEACH: "When Mr. Poppen said to never give up it had an impact on me to work harder in what I thought was impossible. For example, when my teacher in figure skating said that I was going to start doubles {jumps in ice skating} I thought that I was never going to land it because it looked so hard. So now that I know how it feels to do a double I finally want to challange myself to do the impossible and I know that will require much work." Student Maddie
LETTERS FROM MARINERS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, NEWPORT BEACH: "Mr. Poppen's Impact On My Life. Mr. Poppen's visit impacted my life in many ways, He taught me to not expect something of someone by what she or he looks like, no, you actually have to know the person to know what to expect from them. Mr. Poppen also taught me never ever give up, try again, and again, until you reach success! Now I know I can do anything! I could do anything now that I know what is important in life, stay true to yourself and do the best you can, then anything is possible." Student Carrie
LETTERS FROM MARINERS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, NEWPORT BEACH: "I can use his experiences to achieve any of my goals he even said that nothing is impossible but you have to work hard in order to achieve the goals. His quotes at the assembly really said something to me when he said that I think he was encouraging all of us to achieve our goals like he achieved his goal of playing in the Olympics. Mr. Poppen in my opinion was an inspiration to me because I want to become a football player and when i learned that he played in the olympics I knew that I could succeed at anything I work hard at, His advice will help me on the path of becoming an athlete like Mr. Poppen. Thank you Mr. Poppen for your inspiration to the world." Student Spencer
ROSSMOOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROOM 14 STUDENT RACHEL: "My heart skipped 3 BEATS when I saw you here." "They are happy that I met someone who is a hero to others. I am also very proud that I got to meet you, also! You are an inspiration to me, Mr. Poppen. A very big one!"
ROSSMOOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROOM 14 STUDENT BROOKE: "Thank you for visiting us. Everyone was saying that it was the best day of school. But, I say that it was the best day of my life!"
ROSSMOOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROOM 14 STUDENT WILL: "You gave me an autograph and I hang that autograph in my room. And when I look at that autograph I think, "Nothing is impossible even if you fail."
2ND GRADE STUDENT: "Thank you for coming. You have big muscles and make kids happy"
BAKERSFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT KYLEE: "You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! My mother and I looked you up on the inernet "I'm not lucky I just work hard," said Mr. Poppen. Thank you for coming! Most of all thank you for being an inspiration! Your #1 fan.
4TH GRADE STUDENT LILY: Mr. Poppin: "Thank you for letting us ride in your wheelchair. Thank you for telling us how you didn't let people tell you things like you will never be able to do that. Thank you for telling us not to listen to people that tell you that you never be able to do that."
Great letters from Stockton , CA students. This particular one shared how she felt wearing my Olympic Medal.
Inspiring letter from student to me, when I was speaking at Lee Elementary School 9/17 - 9/19.
Drawing and note from student at Tincher Elementary School. Drawing is what I draw for students. Amazing!
Student selected me for TIME Magazine cover because I make a difference in the world. Flamson Middle School.
Book of letters from a primary class in Southern California, thanking me for my presentations.
Contact Brent Poppen @ poppenbrent@gmail.com
Letter from Orange County Elementary School
when a student uses the word "hero" it changes me!
Student's get it. She wrote in part, "thank you for teaching us to be kinder better people."